Zae Interviews the Band Kiss

40 yrs ago as I type this I interviewed the BAND KISS. #zaeart. I did child acting starting at a young age, I worked as a camera operator for many years. I have worked with Jimmy Carter former President of the United States of America, Max Cleland former US Senator, Jeff Foxworthy Showtime Special, Black Crows MTV Video, Herschel Walker Georgia Bulldogs , John Smoltz Atlanta Braves, Bob Dylan, David Bowie, and many many many more. Always involved in the arts. I played guitar, drew, painted. I still have a a painting I did at 6yrs old oil on panel. I have always been involved with the arts. My Mother having over come such HUGE obstacles was an art teacher. Art has always been my life.

I remember interviewing KISS at 11 yrs old at the Omni. I spent all day traveling back to Atlanta to get to the venue in time. Went back stage and met the band. I was in shock seeing them without their makeup. Going backstage for the 1st time was a big deal. The only band I saw before KISS was The Swimming Pool Q’s at a bar parking lot. Times were different back then.

When I look back on the live recording (yes I was in the same room with them) I am so proud of myself. I have always tried my best at everything and anything I have done. I have been in a ton of situations like finding myself in an acrobatic plane or being at a Tom Petty concert protecting an endangered bird. (Crazy Story) and on and on.

I have been blessed to share my art with so many and to have had the opportunities I have.

Tonight was a time to reflect and say Thank you to the band KISS for letting me share their time. Also Ros Radley for reminding me on this day 40yrs ago.

Please do not forget to support my art. My paintings have sold around the world. Also a few sculptures throughout the U.S

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